I love cutting a pasting, and for passion I spend a lot of time to make collages, montages, thrashy pictures made of garbage, fashion magazines, useless sheets of paper. When a bunch of works like this finished I decided to collect them in an artzine without any idea of a certain concept (just like years ago I did in Provokatőr #3). However, as I see across the portfolio a main orientation can be grabbed through the visual message, it's the man-machine, artificial-natural, synthetic-organic opposition; which topic I like to deal with on a theoretical, philosophical level. So I picked up the name Maschinensturm, and made this thrashy artzine. You'll get what you expect: dirty cut and paste, the chaotic play of scissors, glue, knife, paint and lighter, mad collection of socio-critic digitophobia on 36 A5 pages. A next issue is possible, but not sure.
500 ft/ 2 Euro